Cannon has been in the business of protecting valuables for over four decades, consistently growing their reputation for producing industry-leading quality products. And they produce a lot of them. Cannon’s presence in the gun safe world spans all classifications, from their GunVault line of handgun safes, to their beefy ultra-everything resistant Safari series. In addition to providing a safe to secure valuables in nearly any setting, they’re also heralded for their exceptional fire protection.

Fire Protection

ETLAlthough no gun safe on the market is truly fireproof, gun safes by Cannon are definitely in the upper echelon, pushing fire resistance technology to its max capacity. Though they vary a bit in the amount of protection, each Cannon gun safe is rated for fire resistance through Intertek’s ETL standard. It’s nearly impossible to be 100% accurate when testing the degree of protection that a safe offers, but an ETL rating is definitely at the head of the class, and a very coveted badge to boast. If you’re unfamiliar with ETL, let me give you a couple of tidbits to illustrate what sets their testing apart from the rest. First, they’re independent. Many safe manufacturers will use their own proprietary rating systems to beef up their marketing campaign. Unfortunately for the poor folks buying into their claims, they’re often skewed, garbage results, unsupported by any intensive objective testing.

Some of the more inaccurate fire ratings will allow safe manufacturers to present their smallest safe for testing, and blanket the results across the rest of their products. Intertek requires the contrary – the manufacture’s largest gun safe must be presented for testing. And for you folks who’re wondering, the size of the safe does make a big difference. Cannon demonstrates this on their website with a profound example: A safe that they tested with the dimensions of eight cubic feet lasted nearly two hours in a 1200 degree fire, while another safe, made with the same materials, but at 35 cu ft only braved the burn for 45 minutes.

In addition to Intertek’s uncompromising volume testing standards, they’re also extremely anal about their redundancy for checking the temperature at all levels of the safe. While some testing companies will skimp, and take the lowest level of temperature, ETL takes the highest. In a five foot tall safe, at a max temperature of just 350 degrees, the heat can be nearly 100 degrees cooler at the bottom. When you multiply this number to get to the industry standard, 1200 degrees fire rating, you can wind up with a horribly inaccurate discrepancy. Cannon uses ETL standards because when they tell their customers that their valuables will last 90 minutes in a fire, they want a clear conscience.


Cannon puts their money where their mouth is too. They offer a truly incredible lifetime warranty. Any damage to the safe, whether caused by fire, burglary, water, or manufacturer defect is covered at no cost to you for as long as you own the product. If you have a problem, they’ll send a professional out to fix it. If they can’t fix it in the comfort of your home, they’ll pay to have it shipped to the repair depot for no additional charge. I personally feel that all gun safes that claim to provide top notch protection should have warranties this strong. Cannon evidently feels the same way.

Tru Rack Storage System

cannon_trurackAnother impressive feature that Cannon includes in nearly all of their gun safes is their unique Tru Rack system to ensure if that if their safe says it will hold 36 guns, it will hold 36 guns. Unfortunately, a lot of safe manufacturers tend to slip and slide on their gun capacity claims. Hypothetically, if a company was able to fit 24 Ruger 10-22s in their safe, they could legally make the claim that their safe can hold 24 long guns. My question is, who has a gun safe exclusively full of small frame 22 caliber rifles? Not many, most folks with gun collections that warrant high quality gun safes have a lot more variety. The boys over at Cannon have manufactured Tru Rack to do everything possible to pledge that the safe you bought for your guns can protect them all without compromising safety, quality, or ease of extraction.

I mentioned earlier that Cannon has an exceptionally broad model selection. In my next post, I’ll highlight their incredibly versatile product line. Stay tuned!